
1. Who Benefits from State Corporate Tax Cuts? A Local Labor Market Approach with Heterogeneous Firms (with Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato)
American Economic Review, 106(9): 2582-2624, September 2016. 

2. Tax Cuts for Whom? Heterogeneous Effects of Tax Changes on Growth and Employment. Journal of Political Economy, (2019):127, 3, 1437-1472.

3. Business in the United States: Who Owns it and How Much Tax Do They Pay? (with Michael Cooper, John McClelland, James Pearce, Richard Prisinzano, Joe Sullivan, Danny Yagan, and Eric Zwick), in Tax Policy and the Economy, Cambridge: MIT Press, Vol 30: 90-128, Brown. 2016.

4. State Taxes and Spatial Misallocation (with Pablo Fajgelbaum, Eduardo Morales, and Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato) Review of Economic Studies, (2019) 86, 1, 333–376

5. The Structure of State Corporate Taxation and its Impact on State Tax Revenues and Economic Activity (with Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato).Journal of Public Economics, (2018): 167, 158-176.

6. Who Profits from Patents? Rent-sharing at Innovative Firms (with Pat Kline, Neviana Petkova, and Heidi Williams). Quarterly Journal of Economics (2019)  134. 3, 1343–1404.

7. Capitalists in the Twenty-First Century (with Matt Smith, Danny Yagan, and Eric Zwick). Quarterly Journal of Economics (2019) lead article, 134,4, 1675-1745.

8. Top Wealth in the United States: New Estimates and Implications for Taxing the Rich (with Matt Smith and Eric Zwick).  Quarterly Journal of Economics (2023): 138.1, 515–573.

9. Evaluating State and Local Business Tax Incentives (with Cailin Slattery). Journal of Economic Perspectives (2020) 34.2, Spring, 90-118.

10. The Tax Elasticity of Capital Gains and Revenue-Maximizing Rates (with Ole Agersnap). American Economic Review: Insights (2021), 3.4, 399–416.

11. Rethinking How We Score Capital Gains Tax Reform (with Natasha Sarin, Larry Summers, Eric Zwick )  in Tax Policy and the Economy, Cambridge: MIT Press, Vol 36: 1-33, Moffitt. 2022.

12. The Health Wedge and Labor Market Inequality (with Amy Finkelstein, Casey McQuillan, Eric Zwick) Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Spring (2023): 425–475. 

13. Tax Policy and Investment in a Global Economy (with Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Matt Smith, and Eric Zwick)